This September, Flourish chose The Motion of Gratitude to be our Small Business Spotlight!
The Motion of Gratitude is a 28 day initiative to help you develop intentional practices around Gratitude and Being Present. It includes a journal, bracelets and stickers wrapped beautifully in sustainable packaging and a digital experience that creates structure around daily Gratitude practices.
We filmed an IGTV video with Shannon Missimer, Co-Founder of the Motion of Gratitude. We asked her about what inspired her and her husband, Matt, and to share her experience on cultivating consistent gratitude in her life. She gave lots of great advice and explains how beneficial the Motion of Gratitude is for people lives. Shannon and her husband created the term "Gratosis", and she explains that "Gratosis" is a physical change that takes place in our body, that can rewire our brain, and have a huge impact on how we view the world. We can condition ourselves to be in a state of Gratitude which creates an incredible environment for change in our lives.
Heres the IGTV we posted on our Instagram profile and learn more about the Motion of Gratitude! You can join us in the 28 day challenge here.